Thursday 27 February 2014


We now have our own Vertidrain!!! Along with the Procore which we purchased last summer the club now owns some very decent aeration equipment which will really help to improve the quality of the main surfaces, i.e. greens, tees and approaches. We also have a machine to scarify the fairways.
Model 7316. 1.6m width
The Vertidrain is capable of spiking down to a depth of 12 inches. It is a staple machine for golf courses to own. The aeration provides several benefits.
Firstly it allows much needed air down into the soil profile. It also allows gas to escape to allow the soil structure to remain aerobic.
Once the holes on the top have disappeared there is still a hole underneath which water, air and roots can utilise.
Secondly it allows surface water to escape down the hundreds of holes made. This will aid the surface to keep dry and will promote firmer greens.

This machine will be used on a regular basis at different depths so that we can help the greens to improve

Rough Scarifier

Last week we had a demonstration of the Wiedenmann Super 500 Deep Rough cutter/scarifier/collector and we spent a few hours putting it through its paces. Obviously after all the heavy recent rain conditions were not perfect but it still performed very well.

Loading machine to our tractor

We concentrated on two areas during the demo, the thick rough between the 1st and 9th fairways and the patch between the 2nd and 7th fairways. The machine performed well cutting the thick rough down to an inch or so.

Hi tip collector can be dumped into a trailer

Can cope with any terrain

These rough areas around the course need to be thinned out so that the finer wispy grasses can establish. This will have several benefits. Firstly, a golfer would be able to find their ball therefore speeding up play. The presentation of the golf course would be greatly increased. Imagine the wispy tall rough blowing in the wind, defining the holes.

Area between 1 and 9, a ball magnet
The area between 2 and 7 is a mess and can be a hold up area with people looking for lost balls.

The area between 2 and 7 is a mess and can be a hold up area with people looking for lost balls.
After the demonstration you can see how well the machine cut the scrub down. Only the extreme weather shortly after this prevented us from carrying on.

Next week we shall be demonstrating another machine of this type to compare and contrast.




We have had a demonstration of a set of Bernhard grinders recently. These machines sharpen both the cutting cylinder and the bottom blade off the mowers. Greens, tees, fairways, semi rough and hand mowers can all be sharpened with these machines. Having a sharp cutting unit is essential for providing top presentation and a smooth ball roll. It can actually help to increase the speed on the greens.
Bottom Blade Grinder
There are two machines which perform a separate function. One is designed to sharpen the reels of the cutting unit and the other sharpens the bottom blade. This means we could run our units with no contact between the two. Therefore there would be less wear on the bottom blade, cylinder, hydraulic motor and the mower would use less fuel.
It is very clear to see the effects of when a mower has been sharpened. The ball runs smoother, the greens look more healthy and they do not rely so much on fertiliser and water. The grass leaf is kept very strong with a sharpened cut so there is much less disease incidence.
During the demonstration we were able to sharpen six cutting units and bottom blades.
The club has now made the wise decision to invest in these demonstration models of the grinders. They will be with us in a few weeks and I will update on their arrival.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Winter Work Barriers

It sometimes can be very difficult to work on the golf course during the winter time. The last two winters have been very cold with lots of snow which has shut the golf course for periods of time. This winter has been the wettest on record and this brings its own difficulties.
Since Christmas we have had seven inches of rain fall on the course and it really has struggled to cope sometimes. Golf is a twelve month sport nowadays and people expect to play in the best conditions all year round. Sometimes this is simply not possible, especially with days of rain on end.
The high water table means the rain doesn't have anywhere to go and it just tops itself up all the time. This makes playing conditions very difficult. The pinch points on the golf course, the main walk offs from green to tee etc become very waterlogged, muddy even.
Typical sight after heavy rain

The winter programme is a guide to what the staff are trying to achieve over this period in order to improve the golf course. However when we have weather that is so inclement then this has to be reviewed. Losing so many days to heavy downpours means that not all the work may be carried out. However we will try and achieve as much as possible before the season starts.
The ninth fairway drainage work was abandoned due to the poor weather as the rootzone was continually being washed away. This will be finished as soon as possible and then we can turn our attention to the ditch at the right hand of the first. We are also looking at other areas of the course and trying to repair sunken drains and unblock existing drainage.
What we have to remember is that while we are carrying out drainage, construction or repair work, thought must be given for the upcoming season. This means aeration work on the greens and tees, organising fertiliser programmes and stock levels. Spraying or spreading products has to be carried out.
The irrigation system will be turned on for the season and many pop ups have to be replaced to increase efficiency. We will also this year be using a product added to the irrigation to improve the greens. More details will come on this in time.
So all in all there is much to do and we will try to achieve as much as possible. Hopefully mother nature will give us a break soon.