Friday 22 December 2017

Winter Works

As we approach the festive period there is still plenty going on with the golf course. The growth has slowed right down but there is always something to do. We have been concentrating on keeping the greens trimmed and as healthy as possible, fixing drainage issues and carrying on with tree work.

14th Xmas Trim

The greens are looking healthy as we head towards the new year and we have just given them a final cut before Christmas. We will keep an eye out for any disease as there is not much sunlight at the moment with all this fog and humidity is very high, meaning disease pressure is high.

Collapsed Culvert on 10th Fairway

There is much talk in the club about the constant wet conditions over the 10th, 9th and 1st fairways. We inspected some areas on the 10th and found that the culvert across the fairway was collapsed and not able to take the amount of water coming round from the ditch beside the 10th green.

Flooding on 10 heading for 9th
Therefore we dug out the culvert and placed new pipework in its place. This pipework will be able to take the volume of water much easier and will stop the flooding in that area. Much of the work was carried out during the very cold and frosty conditions to try and reduce the amount of damage to the surrounding areas. The pipework will be covered back up with earth and returfed as soon as conditions are fit enough again to proceed.
New Pipework on 10th
There are areas on the 1st and 9th which also require great attention if we are to solve the issues there. It is not just one problem but several separate issues that all need sorting. Plans are being put in place to achieve the best result possible for the removal of water on this part of the golf course.

Another area of the course which has caused issues all last year was the pit on the right of the 15th. We decided to take the same approach as the left pit and strip off all the old thatchy turf which was holding water so well. Once we had dug it all away it was clear to see that old drainage in the pit had failed and was not removing water as it should. There is a culvert running through the pit which exits to the right and down to the 5th hole.

Culvert in pit on 15th
We have installed new drainage to the pit, linking existing clay pipes and the remains of the culvert. This has been covered by gravel and the whole area will be soiled and shaped to make the most of the drainage. Turf will then be added.

New drainage in pit on 15th
One of the areas that was a cause of concern from a safety point of view was the trees overhanging the public footpath on the 11th hole. Members of the public had complained that they were nearly hit by golf balls flying left of the green with the golfers playing the hole saying they could not see anything of the path due to the tree cover.

Several trees have now been removed to make sure that the path is visible from the course. Further up by the 12th tee the trees will be thinned at their lower level to aid visibility.

Other works taking place have been painting tee markers and ditch posts ready for the new season, as well as carrying on with the all important sharpening of cutting units to help achieve the best possible presentation. The fairway units are currently being targeted.

On behalf of all the Greenstaff I would like to wish you all the very best for Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Merry Christmas.