Wednesday 30 January 2019

Winter Works, Woodland Thinning and Vandalism

Over the winter, as well as the drainage work already completed, we also have filled in the bunker on the 7th, which was always flooding and was full of weeds. Mounding was created, using the spoil taken from various drainage sites and consolidated.


The shape of the mounding was thought through, to try and blend in to its surrounding area as much as possible, as well as making it easy to maintain with a mower in the upcoming season.

New turf was brought in to cover the area, and this will be cut regularly from now on.

As the weather turned colder, wetter and wilder, our attention turned towards the trees and carrying on the work like we did on the left hand side of the 5th hole.
We agreed to work on the area between 6 and 14, as well as the area between 5 and 15. We have removed as much dead, decayed or dangerous timber as possible, but there are still stumps to be removed.
I have provided some examples of the work inspected and undertaken.

On the 14th, it was clearly visible that the lack of sunlight and air movement was having a profound effect on the quality of the surfaces. Also, the playability of the hole was also becoming harder as the trees on the right were hindering shots, hiding the right of the green and the right bunker.
Now the whole right hand side of the green and bunker is back in play.
Below is a prime example of the issue with shade, especially in the winter. By giving the surfaces more light, they have the chance to improve.

Now looking after the surfaces as best we can in the winter time is very important, especially when they are not in full sunlight in winter time, and so it was very disappointing to find out that a motor bike had entered the course and caused damage to the 13th fairway, approach and green.
There are some areas of the green which were repairable with minor damage, however the bike caused significant surface damage in three main areas. A decision was made to remove the turf in those areas, replacing it with similar turf at the side of the green.
The turf cutter was used to strip off the turf, and then small pieces were exchanged, bit by bit, in order to fill in the space.
The green will be brought in on the left hand side to allow this area, which has been dressed and seeded, time to recover.



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