Friday 17 April 2015

Course Update

The golf course is coming on well as we are starting to experience some warmer weather. We are starting to see the onset of growth , especially in the outfield areas (fairways, semi rough, rough etc) but the finer turf areas of greens and tees are still a couple of weeks behind in growth terms in comparison.
We are trying our best on the greens to achieve the best surface possible so some more warmer weather would be beneficial. The greens have been fertilised, topdressed, aerated and the mowing regime has been stepped up. Once we experienced a growth spurt after the Easter warm weather, the greens were "flicked" using the Sweep and Fill brush and we removed lots of lateral growth. We have since applied part of our wetting agent programme and also another light topdressing. This is helping to smooth out the surfaces. This kind of maintenance work will continue to take place during this period of uneven temperature.
The greens are due to be fertilised again next week which should help to encourage growth further. We are using a mixture of products which will all help to improve the greens. The old disease scars are closing up well and we are filling them in by hand with dressing to aid this process. The warmer it becomes, the quicker this process will take place.
We are trying to achieve all this in the shortest possible time and so any spare moments we have will be spent on the greens. We really appreciate your patience during this time and hope not to inconvenience the golf too much while we are out working.
The tees will all be scarified before being fertilised and topdressed and this will take place as soon as possible. They will also be divotted to aid their winter recovery. The par three tees are always the worst affected and so special attention will be given to them. The 13th and 17th competition tees are improving nicely but we are still limiting play on them at the moment until we see some warmer weather. We think it is best to protect them for the long run rather than stress them too much straight away.

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