Saturday 9 May 2015

Upcoming Greens Maintenance

On Monday we start our greens maintenance which is vital in the continued improvement of the putting surfaces. Initially it was put in the club diary as hollow coring. However we took the opportunity back in the early spring  to carry out the hollow coring, therefore leaving this current window free just in case of weather issues.

We will however be carrying out other operations during next week but disruption should be kept to a minimum. Firstly the greens will be deep spiked using the Vertidrain with half inch tines used down to a depth of 8 inches. This has great benefit for the greens as it provides much needed air into the soil profile, aiding drainage and allowing roots to grow deeper and stronger.
Verticut x2

We are also going to verticut the greens two ways to try and stand up the lateral growth and remove unwanted thatchy material from the surface. At the same time we will be topdressing the greens. This work together will help the greens to run faster and smoother. The putting green has already been done (apart from the dressing) and we took off plenty of grass.
Putting Green After work on Friday
We will try and keep the disturbance down to a minimum at all times. This is all necessary work if we are to strive for better greens. We have had a good start to the season with the greens so we must carry on the improvement.

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